Hard paper oddments

On this page, you'll find a list of our hard paper oddments (smaller pieces of hard paper left over from cutting and sold at a discounted price). The list contains information relating to inner diameter, outer diameter, and length (in milllimetres). Because many people use these oddments for their own projects, the list may not always reflect up-to-date information. And remember, if you do not find a suitable piece of hard paper, you can always buy new from our stock of hard paper tubes.

≥500mm Länge/length):
ID Øinnen/inner Øaussen/outer Länge/length
[mm] [mm] [mm]
21 590 596 685
27 224,5 329,5 645
31 867,5 871,5 699
37 867,5 871,5 660
47 340 350 831
55 61 63 1350

<500mm Länge/length):
ID Øinnen/inner Øaussen/outer Länge/length
[mm] [mm] [mm]
26 47 52 363
28 47 52 363

Prices on request!

Cutting of oddments to custom sizes is not available.